Prizes and medals

Lenin Prize
1988Effects of wave beams self-focusing-discovery and researchV.I. Talanov
State Prizes
1980Submillimeter spectroscopy based on backward-wave oscillatorsA.F. Krupnov, L.I. Gershtein
1983High-power millimeter-wavelength gyrotrons and gyrotron complexes for thermonuclear studiesA.V. Gaponov-Grekhov, V.A. Flyagin, V.G. Usov, A.L. Gol'denberg, and S.N. Vlasov
1983Phase conjugation of light under stimulated hypersound scatteringV.I. Bespalov, G.A. Pasmanik
1984Development and studies of a new class of high-power pulsed radiation sources based on inductive energy accumulation and commutation by an electrical explosion of conductors for use in national economy and researchN.G. Kalganov
1984Development of physical principles of high-efficient nonlinear frequency transformation in crystals and creation of frequency-tunable sources of coherent optical radiationG.I. Freidman
1985Development of fundamentals for nonlinear acoustics and its applicationsV.A. Zverev, L.A. Osrovsky, and A.I. Kalachev
1987Inverted hot-hole distribution in semiconductors and generation of stimulated radiation in the millimeter, submillimeter and FIR ranges (hot-hole semiconductor masers and lasers)A.A. Andronov, D.I. Belyantsev, V.I. Gavrilenko, V.A. Kozlov, Z.F. Krasil'nik, and V.N. Shastin
1987Fundamentals of nonlinear dynamics of high-frequency wave processes in a completely ionized plasmaV.B. Gil'denburg, A.G. Litvak, and M.A. Miller
1987Development and use of millimeter-wavelength radio-engineering facilitiesYu.A. Dryagin, L.I. Fedoseev
1991Creation of multilayer soft and ultra-soft X-ray opticsA.D. Akhsakhalyan, S.V. Gaponov, V.M. Genkin, B.M. Luskin, Yu.Ya. Platonov, N.N. Salashchenko, and E.N. Pelinovsky
1997Dynamics of intense noise waves and nonlinear structures in dispersionless mediaE.N. Pelinovsky
1999Optical coherent tomography. Physical fundamentals and applicationsV.A. Gelikonov, G.V. Gelikonov, L.S. Dolin, A.M. Sergeev, F.I. Feld'shtein, N.D. Gladkova, and N.M. Shakhova
2000Creation of methods and facilities for measuring weak hydroacoustic sourcesB.M. Salin
2003Study of stimulated radiation of high-current relativistic and electron beams and creation of super-powerful vacuum microwave generatorsA.V. Gaponov-Grekhov, V.L. Bratman, N.G. Ginzburg, G.G. Denisov, N.F. Kovalev, and M.I. Petelin
2018Creation of fundamental bases and instrumental solutions to the problems of registration of gravitational wavesE.A. Khazanov
State Prize of the Russian Federation for Young Scientists for Outstanding Works in the Field of Science and Engineering
2003Electron-ion collisions in strong electric and magnetic fieldsA.A. Balakin, S.A. Koryagin
Prizes of the USSR Council of Ministers
1985Development, introduction and industrial production of KAMAK equipment for creating research-automation systemsYu.K. Postoenko
1990Use of phase conjugation in observation systemsV.I. Bespalov, E.L. Bubis, O.V. Kulagin, G.A. Pasmanik, and A.A. Shilov
Prizes of the RF Government
1997For the development of the manufacturing technology for large-size monosectorial optical cells of KDP and DKDP crystals for high-power laser systems (high-rate crystal growing, optomechanical processing, studies and introduction)V.I. Bespalov, V.I. Bredikhin, V.P. Ershov, V.I. Katsman, A.K. Potyomkin, V.V. Zil'berberg, V.V. Korolikhin, S.P. Kuznetsov, and V.P. Khrulyov
2012Development and assimilation of the industrial issue of megawatt gyrotrons for electron-cyclotron plasma heating in large-scale controlled-fusion facilitiesA.G. Litvak, G.G. Denisov, V.E. Zapevalov, and E.V. Sokolov
2012Development and introduction of petawatt laser complexes based on parametric amplification of lightE.V. Katin, V.V. Lozhkarev, A.K. Potemkin, A.A. Shaikin, A.M. Sergeev, and E.A. Khazanov
The “Triumph” Prize
2004Nominated in “Physical and Mathematical Sciences”A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov
M.V. Lomonosov Great Golden Medal
2000For the notable contribution in physics of oscillatory and wave processesA.V. Gaponov-Grekhov
A.A. Belopol'sky Prize
1984Cyclotron radiation in astrophysicsV.V. Zheleznyakov
1999Dynamics of fast particles and the plasma mechanism of radio-emission generation in the solar coronaV.V. Zaitsev
L.I. Mandel'shtam Prize of the RAS
2009onlinear acoustic phenomena in solid structurally inhomogeneous media: anomalous nonlinearity, nonlinear waves, and diagnostics of defectsV.Yu. Zaitev, V.E. Nazarov, and L.A. Ostrovsky
2012Wave collapses in plasma, optics, and hydrodynamicsG.M. Fraiman
2018Series of papers on “Physical processes leading to the generation of rogue waves”E.N. Pelinovsky, A.V. Slyunyaev
2024Series of works “Boundary layers of the atmosphere and ocean under extreme conditions: physical mechanisms of interaction and diagnostic methods”D.A. Sergeev, Yu.I. Troitskaya
D.S. Rozhdestvensky Prize of the RAS
2010Theory of instrumental vision of underwater objectsL.S. Dolin, A.G. Luchinin
A.A. Andronov Prize of the RAS
2012Development of the methods of synchronization and analysis of periodic and chaotic oscillations in collective systems of automatic phase controlV.I. Nekorkin
Demidov Prize
1995For the notable achievements in the field of physicsA.V. Gaponov-Grekhov
Prize of the AS of CzSSR and the AS of the USSR
1982Fine structure of oscillation-rotational spectra of non-rigid moleculesA.F. Krupnov, S.P. Belov
Lenin Komsomol Prize
1977Theoretical and experimental development of the principles of the generation of the powerful coherent electromagnetic radiation by high-current relativistic beamsN.S. Ginzburg, A.V. Smorgonsky
1986Theoretical and experimental study of acoustic fields in the oceanA.G. Nechaev
1987Experimental development of the methods of increasing the frequency of the stimulated radiation of relativistic electron currents and creation of powerful microwave millimeter-wavelength generators based on high-current pulsed periodic acceleratorsA.B. Abubakirov, G.G. Denisov
1987Acoustic diagnostics of media by the effects of nonlinear scattering and wave self-actionD.M. Donskoy, V.E. Nazarov, and A.M. Reiman
Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a Bonus for Young Scientists
2000Theoretical and experimental study of powerful free-electron masersN.Yu. Peskov, A.V. Savilov, and S.V. Samsonov
2000Development of radar methods for ocean studying and new algorithms for radiometric data processingV.Yu. Karaev
2000Powerful pulsed-periodic lasers using Nd/YAG with diffraction -limited one-frequency radiationO.V. Palashov, E.A. Khazanov
2002Light amplification and generation by population inversionE.V. Radionychev
2003The system of monitoring powerful microwave fluxesS.V. Kouzikov, A.A. Bogdashov
2003Oscillations and waves in nonlinear systems of neiro-dynamic typeV.B. Kazantsev
2003Study of nonlinearly-dynamic aspects of behavior of small gas components of atmosphereI.B. Konovalov
2004Experimental study of wave processes in magneto-active plasmaM.V. Starodoubtsev
2005xperimental and theoretical study of the nonlinear interaction of high-power femtosecond laser radiation with gases and plasmas in dielectric capillariesD.V. Kartashov
2006Non-equilibrium plasma in magnetic traps of mirror configurationA.V. Vodop'yanov, D.L. Pasmanik
2006Abnormally high sea waves: physical mechanisms and modelingA.V. Slyunyaev
2008lectrodynamics of the high-temperature plasma in magnetic trapsA.G. Shalashov
2009Laboratory modeling of turbulent flows in the surface layer of the World Ocean and in the water-surface layer of the atmosphereD.A. Sergeev
2011and a dense highly non-equilibrium plasma under the electron-cyclotron resonance conditionsE.D. Gospodchikov, V.A. Skalyga
2012Development of effective methods for generation and detection of short-pulse terahertz radiation and their practical applicationS.B. Bodrov, I.E. Ilyakov, and D.A. Fadeev
2013Development and creation of optical isolators for laser radiation of time-average kilowatt powerD.S. Zheleznov, I.E. Mukhin, and I.L. Snetkov
2013Precision laboratory spectroscopy of light molecules and molecular complexes. M.A. Koshelev, E.A. Serov
2014The use of two-dimensional distributed feedback for the generation of spatially coherent radiation by powerful relativistic electron beamsV.Yu. Zaslavsky
2016Study of the interaction between ultrahigh-intensity laser radiation and matter A.A. Gonoskov, A.V. Korzhimanov, and E.N. Nerush
2016Complex dynamic networks: heterogeneity, lag, stochasticityV.V. Klinshov, O.V. Maslennikov
Nizhny Novgorod Prize
1994Creation of a problem book in electrodynamicsV.B. Gil'denburg, M.A. Miller
2006The system of continuous training of highly qualified personnelA.G. Litvak, A.I. Smirnov, and M.D. Tokman
Soloviov medal of the European Geophysical Society
2006For an outstanding contribution in the studies of tsunami and other natural maritime disastersE.N. Pelinovsky
K.J. Button Medal
1996For the outstanding contribution to ScienceM.I. Petelin
2008For an outstanding contribution in electromagnetic wave scienceA.G. Litvak
W. Lamba Medal
1988For the outstanding contribution to nuclear physics and quantum electronicsO.A. Kocharovskaya
Prize of the International Association for thermonuclear fusion
1996For the merit in thermonuclear fusion engineeringG.G. Denisov
Golden medal of the World Exhibition of Innovations, Research, and New Technologies “Brussels Eureka 2006”
2006For the development of an optical tomographV.M. Gelikonov, G.V. Gelikonov, S.Yu. Ksenofontov
D.S. Rozhdestvensky Prize of the RAS
2010Theory of instrumental vision of underwater objectsL.S. Dolin, A.G. Luchinin
J. Pierce International conference on vacuum electronics
2011For an outstanding contribution in vacuum electronicsM.I. Petelin
Prize of the European Physics Society “EPS Plasma Physics Innovation Prize 2011”
2011For the creation of high-power gyrotrons for electron-cyclotron heating of plasma in thermonuclear facilitiesA.G. Litvak
Prize of the President of the Russian Federation for Young Scientists in the Field of Science and Innovation
2014Development of physico-mathematical models of marine natural disasters in the coastal zoneI.I. Didenkulova
Gruber Prize in Cosmology
2016For the first detection of gravitational wavesO.V. Palashov, A.M. Sergeev, and E.A. Khazanov (jointly with LIGO Scientific Collaboration)
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
2016For the observation of gravitational waves which opens up new horizons in the field of astronomy and physicsO.V. Palashov, A.M. Sergeev, and E.A. Khazanov (jointly with LIGO Scientific Collaboration)
L.A. Artsimovich Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2019For a series of papers on “Heating and Confinement of Plasmas with a High Relative Pressure in an Open Axisymmetric Magnetic Trap”A.G. Shalashov (in cooperation with P.A. Bagryansky and A.A. Ivanov from Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
A.M. Prokhorov gold medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2023For the totality of works published over the period 1977–2023A.M. Sergeev

Prizes and medals

Lenin Prize
  • 1988 Effects of wave beams self-focusing- discovery and research V.I. Talanov
State Prizes
  • 1980 Submillimeter spectroscopy based on backward-wave oscillators A.F. Krupnov, L.I. Gershtein
  • 1983 High-power millimeter-wavelength gyrotrons and gyrotron complexes for thermonuclear studies A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov, V.A. Flyagin, V.G. Usov, A.L. Gol'denberg, and S.N. Vlasov
  • 1983 Phase conjugation of light under stimulated hypersound scattering V.I. Bespalov, G.A. Pasmanik
  • 1984 Development and studies of a new class of high-power pulsed radiation sources based on inductive energy accumulation and commutation by an electrical explosion of conductors for use in national economy and research N.G. Kalganov
  • 1984 Development of physical principles of high-efficient nonlinear frequency transformation in crystals and creation of frequency-tunable sources of coherent optical radiation G.I. Freidman
  • 1985 Development of fundamentals for nonlinear acoustics and its applications V.A. Zverev, L.A. Osrovsky, and A.I. Kalachev
  • 1987 Inverted hot-hole distribution in semiconductors and generation of stimulated radiation in the millimeter, submillimeter and FIR ranges (hot-hole semiconductor masers and lasers) A.A. Andronov, D.I. Belyantsev, V.I. Gavrilenko, V.A. Kozlov, Z.F. Krasil'nik, and V.N. Shastin
  • 1987 Fundamentals of nonlinear dynamics of high-frequency wave processes in a completely ionized plasma V.B. Gil'denburg, A.G. Litvak, and M.A. Miller
  • 1987 Development and use of millimeter-wavelength radio-engineering facilities Yu. A. Dryagin, L. I. Fedoseev
  • 1991 Creation of multilayer soft and ultra-soft X-ray optics A.D. Akhsakhalyan, S.V. Gaponov, V.M. Genkin, B.M. Luskin, Yu.Ya. Platonov, N.N. Salashchenko, and E.N. Pelinovsky
  • 1997 Dynamics of intense noise waves and nonlinear structures in dispersionless media E. N. Pelinovsky
  • 1999 Optical coherent tomography. Physical fundamentals and applications V.A. Gelikonov, G.V. Gelikonov, L.S. Dolin, A.M. Sergeev, F.I. Feld'shtein, N.D. Gladkova, and N.M. Shakhova
  • 2000 Creation of methods and facilities for measuring weak hydroacoustic sources B.M. Salin
  • 2003 Study of stimulated radiation of high-current relativistic and electron beams and creation of super-powerful vacuum microwave generators A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov, V.L. Bratman, N.G. Ginzburg, G.G. Denisov, N.F. Kovalev, and M.I. Petelin
  • 2018 Creation of fundamental bases and instrumental solutions to the problems of registration of gravitational waves E.A. Khazanov
State Prize of the Russian Federation for Young Scientists for Outstanding Works in the Field of Science and Engineering
  • 2003 Electron-ion collisions in strong electric and magnetic fields A.A. Balakin, S.A. Koryagin
  • Prizes of the USSR Council of Ministers 1985 Development, introduction and industrial production of KAMAK equipment for creating research-automation systems Yu.K. Postoenko
  • 1990 Use of phase conjugation in observation systems V. I. Bespalov, E. L. Bubis, O. V. Kulagin, G. A. Pasmanik, and A.A. Shilov
Prizes of the RF Government
  • 1997 For the development of the manufacturing technology for large-size monosectorial optical cells of KDP and DKDP crystals for high-power laser systems (high-rate crystal growing, optomechanical processing, studies and introduction) V. I. Bespalov, V. I. Bredikhin, V. P. Ershov, V. I. Katsman, A. K. Potyomkin, V. V. Zil'berberg, V. V. Korolikhin, S. P. Kuznetsov, and V. P. Khrulyov
  • 2012 Development and assimilation of the industrial issue of megawatt gyrotrons for electron-cyclotron plasma heating in large-scale controlled-fusion facilities A. G. Litvak, G. G. Denisov, V. E. Zapevalov, and E. V. Sokolov
  • 2012 Development and introduction of petawatt laser complexes based on parametric amplification of light E.V. Katin, V.V. Lozhkarev, A.K. Potemkin, A.A. Shaikin, A.M. Sergeev, and E.A. Khazanov
The “Triumph” Prize
  • 2004 Nominated in “Physical and Mathematical Sciences” A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov
M.V. Lomonosov Great Golden Medal
  • 2000 For the notable contribution in physics of oscillatory and wave processes A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov
A.A. Belopol'sky Prize
  • 1984 Cyclotron radiation in astrophysics V. V. Zheleznyakov
  • 1999 Dynamics of fast particles and the plasma mechanism of radio-emission generation in the solar corona V.V. Zaitsev
L.I. Mandel'shtam Prize of the RAS
  • 2009 onlinear acoustic phenomena in solid structurally inhomogeneous media: anomalous nonlinearity, nonlinear waves, and diagnostics of defects V.Yu. Zaitev, V.E. Nazarov, L.A. Ostrovsky
  • 2012 Wave collapses in plasma, optics, and hydrodynamics G.M. Fraiman
  • 2018 Series of papers on “Physical processes leading to the generation of rogue waves” E.N. Pelinovsky, A.V. Slyunyaev
  • 2024 Series of works “Boundary layers of the atmosphere and ocean under extreme conditions: physical mechanisms of interaction and diagnostic methods” D.A. Sergeev, Yu.I. Troitskaya
D.S. Rozhdestvensky Prize of the RAS

2010 Theory of instrumental vision of underwater objects L.S. Dolin, A.G. Luchinin

A.A. Andronov Prize of the RAS

2012 Development of the methods of synchronization and analysis of periodic and chaotic oscillations in collective systems of automatic phase control V.I. Nekorkin

Demidov Prize

1995 For the notable achievements in the field of physics A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov

Prize of the AS of CzSSR and the AS of the USSR
  • 1982 Fine structure of oscillation-rotational spectra of non-rigid molecules A.F. Krupnov, S.P. Belov
Lenin Komsomol Prize
  • 1977 Theoretical and experimental development of the principles of the generation of the powerful coherent electromagnetic radiation by high-current relativistic beams N. S. Ginzburg, A. V. Smorgonsky
  • 1986 Theoretical and experimental study of acoustic fields in the ocean A.G. Nechaev
  • 1987 Experimental development of the methods of increasing the frequency of the stimulated radiation of relativistic electron currents and creation of powerful microwave millimeter-wavelength generators based on high-current pulsed periodic accelerators A.B. Abubakirov, G.G. Denisov
  • 1987 Acoustic diagnostics of media by the effects of nonlinear scattering and wave self-action D.M. Donskoy, V.E. Nazarov, and A.M. Reiman
Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a Bonus for Young Scientists
  • 2000 Theoretical and experimental study of powerful free-electron masers N.Yu. Peskov, A.V. Savilov, and S.V. Samsonov
  • 2000 Development of radar methods for ocean studying and new algorithms for radiometric data processing V.Yu. Karaev
  • 2000 Powerful pulsed-periodic lasers using Nd/YAG with diffraction-limited one-frequency radiation O.V. Palashov, E.A.Khazanov
  • 2002 Light amplification and generation by population inversion E.V. Radionychev
  • 2003 The system of monitoring powerful microwave fluxes S.V. Kouzikov, A.A. Bogdashov
  • 2003 Oscillations and waves in nonlinear systems of neiro-dynamic type V.B. Kazantsev
  • 2003 Study of nonlinearly-dynamic aspects of behavior of small gas components of atmosphere I.B. Konovalov
  • 2004 Experimental study of wave processes in magneto-active plasma M.V. Starodoubtsev
  • 2005 xperimental and theoretical study of the nonlinear interaction of high-power femtosecond laser radiation with gases and plasmas in dielectric capillaries D.V. Kartashov
  • 2006 Non-equilibrium plasma in magnetic traps of mirror configuration A.V. Vodop'yanov, D.L. Pasmanik
  • 2006 Abnormally high sea waves: physical mechanisms and modeling A.V. Slyunyaev
  • 2008 lectrodynamics of the high-temperature plasma in magnetic traps A.G. Shalashov
  • 2009 Laboratory modeling of turbulent flows in the surface layer of the World Ocean and in the water-surface layer of the atmosphere D.A. Sergeev
  • 2011 and a dense highly non-equilibrium plasma under the electron-cyclotron resonance conditions E.D. Gospodchikov, V.A. Skalyga
  • 2012 Development of effective methods for generation and detection of short-pulse terahertz radiation and their practical application S.B. Bodrov, I.E. Ilyakov, and D.A. Fadeev
  • 2013 Development and creation of optical isolators for laser radiation of time-average kilowatt power D.S. Zheleznov, I.E. Mukhin, and I.L. Snetkov
  • 2013 Precision laboratory spectroscopy of light molecules and molecular complexes. M.A. Koshelev, E.A. Serov
  • 2014 The use of two-dimensional distributed feedback for the generation of spatially coherent radiation by powerful relativistic electron beams V.Yu. Zaslavsky
  • 2016 Study of the interaction between ultrahigh-intensity laser radiation and matter A.A. Gonoskov, A.V. Korzhimanov,, and E.N. Nerush
  • 2016 Complex dynamic networks: heterogeneity, lag, stochasticity V.V. Klinshov, O.V. Maslennikov
Nizhny Novgorod Prize
  • 1994 Creation of a problem book in electrodynamics V.B. Gil'denburg, M.A. Miller
  • 2006 The system of continuous training of highly qualified personnel A.G. Litvak, A.I. Smirnov, and M.D. Tokman
Soloviov medal of the European Geophysical Society
  • 2006 For an outstanding contribution in the studies of tsunami and other natural maritime disasters E.N. Pelinovsky
K.J. Button Medal
  • 1996 For the outstanding contribution to Science M.I. Petelin
  • 2008 For an outstanding contribution in electromagnetic wave science A.G. Litvak
W.Lamba Medal
  • 1988 For the outstanding contribution to nuclear physics and quantum electronics O.A. Kocharovskaya
Prize of the International Association for thermonuclear fusion
  • 1996 For the merit in thermonuclear fusion engineering G.G. Denisov
Golden medal of the World Exhibition of Innovations, Research, and New Technologies “Brussels Eureka – 2006”
  • 2006 For the development of an optical tomograph V.M. Gelikonov, G.V. Gelikonov, and S.Yu. Ksenofontov
D.S. Rozhdestvensky Prize of the RAS
  • 2010 Theory of instrumental vision of underwater objects L.S. Dolin, A.G. Luchinin
J.Pierce International conference on vacuum electronics
  • 2011 For an outstanding contribution in vacuum electronics M.I. Petelin
Prize of the European Physics Society “EPS Plasma Physics Innovation Prize 2011”
  • 2011 For the creation of high-power gyrotrons for electron-cyclotron heating of plasma in thermonuclear facilities A.G. Litvak
Prize of the President of the Russian Federation for Young Scientists in the Field of Science and Innovation
  • 2014 Development of physico-mathematical models of marine natural disasters in the coastal zone I.I. Didenkulova
Gruber Prize in Cosmology
  • 2016 For the first detection of gravitational waves O.V. Palashov, A.M. Sergeev, E.A. Khazanov (jointly with LIGO Scientific Collaboration)
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
  • 2016 For the observation of gravitational waves which opens up new horizons in the field of astronomy and physics O.V. Palashov, A.M. Sergeev, E.A. Khazanov (jointly with LIGO Scientific Collaboration)
L.A. Artsimovich Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 2019 For a series of papers on “Heating and Confinement of Plasmas with a High Relative Pressure in an Open Axisymmetric Magnetic Trap” A.G. Shalashov (in cooperation with P.A. Bagryansky and A.A. Ivanov from Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)