Grants of the Russian Science Foundation at the Institute support research under 84 projects, or 111 projects with the branches included (2023). According to the Foundation's information, starting from 2018, the Federal Research Center IAP RAS is among the leaders in terms of the number of funded projects, ranking fourth among all Russian organizations (after the Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, and Boris Yeltsin UrFU) and first among RAS institutions.
Before the Russian Foundation for Basic Research merged with the Russian Science Foundation, the Center performed about 200 research works annually under RFBR projects.
Since 2012 IAP RAS has been carrying out a number of works under the grants of the Government of the Russian Federation for the state support of scientific research conducted under the guidance of leading scientists (megagrants). After the completion of megagrant projects, the following scientific laboratories, created within the framework of these projects, continue to work at the Institute:
- Laboratory of diamond electronics
- Laboratory of lightning physics
- Laboratory of modeling of climatic systems
- Laboratory of modeling of plasma phenomena in extreme astrophysical objects
- Department of diagnostics of optical materials for advanced lasers
- Laboratory of quantum and nonlinear optics of highly localized fields
- Laboratory of the Earth’s electromagnetic environment
Young PhDs and Doctors of Sciences of IAP RAS actively participate in competitions and receive grants under the Program of the President of the Russian Federation for support of young Russian scientists. Currently, these grants include
Mikhail Nikolaevich Vilkov | МК-4048.2022.1.2 | Development of methods for generation of ultrashort microwave pulses |
Aleksandra Mikhailovna Kuznetsova | МК-2489.2022.1.5 | Development of numerical modeling methods in the wave-ocean-atmosphere system taking into account small-scale processes under tropical cyclone conditions |
Yury Andreevich Titchenko | МК-5028.2022.1.5 | Construction of an analytical model of the cross-correlation function of frequency-separated radio signals reflected from the sea surface as applied to the problem of recovery of surface undulation parameters |