Pulsed High-Average-Power Laser Department (350)
Part of
Main goals and objectives
Goals, objectives and directions of scientific research:
1. Diagnostics of novel materials.
- The study of characteristics (photoelastic, thermooptical, laser, magnetooptical, spectral, etc.) of new optical media (ceramics, crystals, glasses, oriented ceramics, etc.).
- Development of the novel methods of determination of characteristics and constants of the novel materials and its experimental measurements.
- Researches of the opportunities of parasitic thermal effects weakening (by cooling with Peltier elements, liquid nitrogen; using of various compensation schemes and composite optical elements etc.).
2. Creation of optical components with unique characteristics based on new materials:
- quantum amplifiers (active elements: rods, disks, slabs, fibers, pumping: front-end diode, side- and edge-pumped; cooling methods: cryogenic, etc.; wavelength of visible, near- and mid-IR spectral regions);
- optical isolators (cryogenically cooled, disk-shaped, vacuum-compatible, for the mid-IR, wide-aperture, etc.) based on crystalline and ceramic magneto-optical materials with high Verde constant value;
- electrooptical valves (cryogenically cooled, wide-aperture);
- nonlinear frequency converters based on the novel materials (including chalcogenide glasses, composite periodically oriented materials, etc.);
- new sources of laser radiation (broadband based on composite, with Peltier element with wavelength tuning; based on the dual dopant ceramics (Nd, Yb): Sc2O3, etc.) and the development of critical/related technologies:
- manufacturing of composite active and magnetooptical elements;
- development of heat sinks, depending on the shape of the active and magnetooptical elements and on the method of its realization (composite/welding: “sandwich” or “cladding” other;
- development of the sources of constant magnetic fields (for optical isolators), sources of pulsed electric fields (for electooptical cells);
- investigation of the mechanical durability of coatings, of the surface and volume damage thresholds, absorption, etc.
3. Performing research to solve scientific and technological problems when creating a sub-exawatt laser complex XCELS. Including the development and experimental verification of key elements of the XCELS launch laser system.
- Studies of parametric amplification of femtosecond laser pulses using optically synchronized picosecond pumping, as well as pumping with chirped pulses.
- Research on ultra-broadband amplification of femtosecond pulses to achieve pulse durations of several oscillations of the electromagnetic field.
- Studies on the control of the phase of the electromagnetic field relative to the envelope (CEP stabilization).
- Research on the possibilities of controlling the time profile of pulses of neodymium pump laser amplifiers.
4. Development of femto- and attosecond lasers with extreme parameters of peak power and pulse repetition rate. Studies of the interaction of radiation from such lasers with matter.
- Investigation of approaches to the creation of high-frequency (tens and hundreds of Hz) pump lasers with sub-J pulse energy.
- Research on parametric and laser amplification of femtosecond radiation in the mid-infrared range, as well as research on the features of stretching and compression of laser pulses in this spectral range.
- Creation of a multi-TW laser system in the mid-infrared range with a high (hundreds of Hz) laser pulse repetition rate for research on the generation of high-order harmonics in solid and gas targets.
- Coherent summation of optical pulses of different spectral ranges to generate anharmonic single-cycle laser pulses.
Mukhin Ivan Borisovich
Head of Department
Perevezentsev Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
Deputy Head of Department, Science