Scientific Schools

Scientific schools are actively working at the Institute. Since 1996 and until recently, they have repeatedly become winners of competitions and received funding under the Presidential program for support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation.

Leader name Subject
1 Denisov Grigoriy Gennad’evich Generation, amplification, transformation, and transportation of high-power microwave and terahertz radiation for its application in physical and technological studies
2 Zheleznyakov Vladimir Vasil’evich Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with astrophysical and geophysical plasmas
3 Litvak Aleksandr Grigor’evich Interaction of intense electromagnetic radiation with plasma
4 Sergeev Aleksandr Mikhailovich Femtosecond optics, nonlinear dynamics of optical systems, and highly sensitive optical measurements
5 Talanov Vladimir Il’ich Development of remote radiophysical methods of diagnostics and monitoring of the environment