Summer Physical and Mathematical School (SPMS)
Annually, for more than 30 years, the IAP RAS has been organizing the Summer Physical and Mathematical School (SPMS) for students of high schools of the Nizhny Novgorod region graduated from 8 to 10 grade. In different years, schoolchildren from Moscow, Ufa, Saratov and other cities of Russia also participated in this school.
The objective of this project is to find talented young people and involve them into scientific work. The SPMS educators are young employees of the IAP RAS and students of the higher institutions of Nizhny Novgorod. The lectures are delivered by the leading scientists of the Institute and other research centers of Nizhny Novgorod. The curriculum also includes the basics of physical workshop and hobby groups which address Olympiad problems in physics, mathematics, and programming.
The SPMS students are selected on a competitive basis by offering them tests in physics, mathematics, and humanities, followed by an individual interview. The competition rate is two persons per one place.
Additional SPMS sessions were conducted in 2000 to 2006 on the basis of the Institute's recreation center, situated on the bank of Vetluga, under the leadership of Andrey Olegovich Perminov and Alexander Mikhailovich Reyman The students of specialized “physical” classes of Lyceum No 40 and other schools specialized in physics and math from Nizhny Novgorod, Dzerzhinsk, Saratov were the participants of these sessions.
At present, the SPMS is organized on the basis of the August shift of the N. A. Talalushkin child's health center in Green Town, which is one of the most picturesque nooks of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The duration of the School is three weeks. A slightly over 100 children – students of grades 9 to 11 – take part in the SPMS.
SPMS-33 will take place August 5 to 25, 2020 in Talalushkin Center in Green Town.
More detailed information about Summer Physical and Mathematical School can be found at
SPMS Leaders:
Gregory Khazanov
Gindinson Artem Mikhailovich