Child’s health and education camp (CHEC)

Director of CHEC is Ermilin Aleksandr Igorevich, Ph. D. in Pedagogics
+7 (831) 416-06-71, 416-06-19

Child's Health and Education Camp named after Talalushkin (CHEC). Annually 300 children of 6–11th grades (three shifts of 100 teenagers), including the children of the IAP employees, spend their holidays there.

CHEC provides senior pupils with a unique opportunity to combine educational and recreational programs. All camp programs are specialized: two summer research shifts (June – July) and a summer physics and mathematics school (August) for senior pupils.

For details see

The CHEC program “In the world of knowledge” includes physics, astronomy, biology, computer science, journalism, chess, sports and cultural events, excursions and meetings with interesting people and much more!