Antonov Vladimir Andreevich

PhD in Physics and Mathematics
+7 (831) 436-47-33
Web of Science ResearcherID: D-9717-2014
Scopus AuthorID: 55735071400
Scope of professional interests

Coherent and nonlinear optics, attosecond physics, quantum optics, quantum mechanics, gamma optics

  • 2012 - Doctor of Philosophy degree in Laser Physics received from the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. thesis was devoted to "Formation of extremely short pulses of resonant radiation via adiabatic modulation of parameters of the medium by electromagnetic field"
  • 2008 – Master’s degree received from N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
  • 2006 – Bachelor’s degree received from N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
Awards, prizes, grants

Awards and prizes:

  • Second prize of XI contest for young scientists of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2009).
  • The scholarship of academician G. A. Razuvaev of administration of Nizhegorodskaya area (2009–2011).
  • The personal scholarship of “Dynasty” foundation for PhD students (2011–2013).
  • Third prize of XIV contest for young scientists of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2012).
  • The personal scholarship of “Dynasty” foundation for young Postdoctoral research fellows (2014–2015).
  • The scholarship of the President of Russian Federation for young Postdoctoral research fellows (2015–2017).
  • First Prize of the Open Competition of Scientific Works of Young Scientists of Nizhny Novgorod in the Field of Physics, Chemistry and Technology of Nanostructures and Elements of Nanoelectronics 2018 (2018).


Head of the projects

  1. RFBR 14-02-31044 mol_а, 01.2014-12.2015.
  2. RFBR 16-32-60173 mol_а_dk, 01.2016-12.2018.
  3. RSF 19-72-00140, 07.2019-06.2021.

Participant of the projects

  1. RFBR 13-02-00831 А, 01.2013-12.2015,
  2. RFBR 14-02-00762 А, 01.2014-12.2016,
  3. RFBR 14-22-02034 ofi_m, 01.2014-12.2016,
  4. RFBR 14-29-07152 ofi_m, 01.2014-12.2016,
  5. RSF 16-12-10279, 05.2016-12.2018,
  6. RFBR 16-02-00527 А, 01.2016-12.2018,
  7. RFBR 16-02-01034 А, 01.2016-12.2018.
  8. RFBR 18-02-00924 А, 01.2018-12.2020,
  9. RFBR 18-32-00774 mol_а, 03.2018-03.2020,
  10. Grant of the Government of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research conducted under the guidance of leading scientists No. 14.W03.31.0032 “Quantum effects in highly localized intense laser fields”, 01.2018-01.2020,
  11. RFBR 19-02-00852 А, 01.2019-12.2021,
  12. RSF 16-12-10279-prolongation, 05.2019-12.2020.